Forest Protection and Conservation

APRIL has enforced a moratorium on natural forest clearance pending the outcome of High Conservation Values (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments since 15 May 2015. This moratorium also applies to all third-party wood suppliers to APRIL.Learn More »

Conservation and restoration area

362,136 Ha

There are 2 category loss of forested conservation by cause:

1) Areas subject to land claims


Fire 0ha
Encroachment 57ha

Supplier Partners

Fire 0ha
Encroachment 34ha

Ecosystem Restoration

Fire 0ha
Encroachment 0ha

2) Areas not subject to land claims


Fire 0ha
Encroachment 50ha

Supply Partners

Fire 0ha
Encroachment 228ha

Ecosystem Restoration

Fire 0ha
Encroachment 0ha

IUCN Red List species


flora species


fauna species

About Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER)

Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) is a collaborative project that brings together groups from both private and public sectors to restore and conserve ecologically important peat forest areas on Indonesia’s Kampar Peninsula.